Where the Knowledge Meets the Node!

Six Levels of Games Related to
One Another
According to the Desirability of Their Outcomes
Romance�The most desirable of
games, because each interested parties can win, plus there exists the
possibility of the added dividend of the manufacture of another player.
Friends�When it is all
over, all of the players involved with it are doing better than the way that
they were doing when they started playing it.
Business�When it is
over, some players involved with it are doing better than the way that they
were doing when they started playing it, while others are breaking even with
the way that they were doing when they started playing it.
Crime�When it is
over, some of the players involved with it are breaking even with the way
that they were when they started playing it, but others
are worse off than the way that they were doing when they commenced playing.
War�When it is over, all of
the players are doing worse than when they started it. Some players wind up doing less worse
than others, so relatively speaking, it appears like they are the
winners, but they are actually doing worse than before they started warring
Insanity�No real game can occur,
due to the lack of actual comprehension of relevant phenomena.
Children of TABLOIDER:

2003-2007�Philip B. Obsharsky.
All rights somewhat controlled. This material may be copied, or
transmitted as long as any source information that is included
with it, it meaning any part of the composition of this
material that is transmitted or copied for any reason, is
retained with with it and this copyright statement is retained
as a part of it and no financial compensation is sought or
derived for such action.